More than selling merchant services - servicing merchants
Vantage is your partner in the payments industry.
Your payment service provider will be responsible for your ability to accept payment from your customers, the service quality of the merchant account provider who will actually be performing this merchant service, should not be overlooked.
The value of a reliable payment partner is an important aspect of quality service. Nothing electronic is without occasional faults. When problems arise, having a professional advocate can be worth a lot more than trying to save an extra couple of basis points on your rate.
Service, good and bad, impacts your bottom line. Savings doesn't come only packaged as a lower rate but in cost reductions from having your system up, your chargebacks down, and your funding on time. At Vantage, we are merchant SERVICE operators. We don't outsource, our expert team members include credit underwriting and risk managers, technical implementations and support staff, system developers, and sales consultants, all under one roof. It makes a difference in the quality of service.
Customer service is not an after thought, but rather how we lead. We stand behind the service we deliver. Read some testimonials.
We hope you will make service an important part of your decision making process when selecting a merchant services partner.